Mechanical gages - Pressure
Murphy is known for its gages, and there’s a good reason why. They’re durable and dependable. They’re highly accurate and long-lasting. We didn’t make them so popular – our customers did. We just make them solid and reliable every time.
Mechanical gages - Pressure

20DP / 25DP / A20DP / A25DP
The 2- and 2.5-inch (51 and 64 mm) dial differential pressure Swichgage instrument.
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20P / 25P Series
The 2- and 2.5-inch (51 and 64 mm) dial pressure Swichgage instrument.
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20V / 25V / A20V / A25V
The 2- and 2.5-inch (51 and 64 mm) dial vacuum Swichgage instrument.
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A20P / A25P Series
The 2- and 2.5-inch (51 and 64 mm) dial pressure Swichgage instrument with a
polycarbonate case for environmental sealing.
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OPL Series
The 4.5-inch (114 MM) dial pressure gage and Swichgage instrument.
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